In fine perfumery often one works with delicate raw materials, resulting in a concentrate with outstanding fragrance properties but not lasting and lingering as long as one might expect considering the usually high costprice of the compound.
In the past, animal-based products such as ambergris and civet were added as fixative to obtain a more lingering effect. At present these animal products are "producta non grata" and hardly in use anymore.
Remains the fact that in many cases a good fixative is needed. So we developed FIXADURE, a 100% natural based fixative, giving the perfume concentrates just a little more body and making them more longlasting. Two warnings: FIXADURE has some influence on your perfume note and secondly it is not cheap (about € 220,00 per kilo).
Advise dosage: 1 - 4 % in your perfume concentrate.

Boosters: If you need a product to enhance your perfume concentrate and also to make it more radiant we advise you to try one of our following boosters:

BOOSTER LF € 45,-- per kilo, for light flowery compounds.
€ 54,-- per kilo, for heavy balsamic compounds.
BOOSTER M € 42,-- per kilo, for musk type compounds.
BOOSTER PH   54,-- per kilo, for phantasy compounds
BOOSTER FA   64,-- per kilo, for french aldehydic compounds




All boosters will have some influence on the perfume note !

Advise dosage: 2 - 10 % in your perfume concentrate.

Example of the use of one of our boosters. A manufacturer of a luxury soap is using a musk compound as perfume for his soap at a dosage of 1,75%. The customer however, wanted to have his musk soap more radiant, more outspoken musk. Upon our advise he added 6% of our BOOSTER M to his musk perfume compound. His dosage in the soap remained the same and the final result was a much better musk fragrance in his soap.

TOKOS B.V.  PO Box 12   7914 ZG Noordscheschut   Holland
Faxnr. 31 528 34 25 55
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